Aug 22, 2019
Hong Kong Protests for Freedom
The protests in Hong Kong reveal both the people’s deep hunger for liberty and the tendency of the Chinese government to brutally stamp out dissent. The 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre saw 10,000 protestors killed. Without the support of the international community, the situation today could easily turn just as bloody.
Bud Grounds
Notice the silence of the United Nations, the supposed peace keeping force of the world.
It will have to be the U.S. , other western nations and the countries in the middle east to impress
on China that attacking and killing the people of Hong Kong will bear repercussions.
I wish the United States was still the shining beacon of liberty that the Hong Kong protesters seem to believe it to be. Americans should be in the streets protesting for the restoration of OUR liberty, freedom from the surveillance state, and the right to keep our lawfully earned property.
It warms my heart to see videos of Hong Kong protesters using 8 watt handheld solid state lasers that were made in China to permanently disable the Chinese government’s facial recognition cameras that are on every street corner in Hong Kong. China has excelled at apropriating the economic benefits of capitalism into their communist regime but the two are fundamentally incompatible, as demonstrated in the above example. Markets empower people.