Write for Us

do you have something to say and a love for liberty?

Free the People works with hundreds of contributing writers to publish articles on freethepeople.org. Do you have something to say and a love for liberty? You could be a Free the People writer.

You can help us tell stories of creativity, entrepreneurship, and voluntary cooperation. Of the spontaneous coalescing of communities to achieve awesome things without the need for coercion.

Or cautionary tales of government power run amok, innovation stifled by indifferent bureaucrats and jealous corporations with a man in Washington, commerce disrupted by arrogant technocrats who think they know more than everyone else. Of the inexorable tendency of concentrated power to deprive people of their prosperity, their basic liberties, and their lives.

And then there are stories of how to make a change, explaining the policies that affect all our lives, and meeting the politicians, thinkers, and activists who are working to restore and preserve liberty from the leviathan of government and its powerful friends.

If you have a story to tell, submit your article for publication to Free the People. Send articles to submissions@freethepeople.org. Free the People does not pay for articles at this time.

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