Matt Kibbe is President at Free the People, an educational foundation using video storytelling to turn on the next generation to the values of personal liberty and peaceful cooperation. He is also co-founder and partner at Fight the Power Productions, a video and strategic communications company. Kibbe is the host of BlazeTV’s Kibbe on Liberty, a popular podcast that insists that you think for yourself.
Dubbed “the scribe” by the New York Daily News, Kibbe is the author three books, most recently the #2 New York Times bestseller Don’t Hurt People and Don’t Take Their Stuff: A Libertarian Manifesto.
He was senior advisor for a Rand Paul Presidential Super PAC in 2016, and later co-founded AlternativePAC to promote libertarian values.
In 2004 Kibbe founded FreedomWorks, a national grassroots advocacy organization, and served as President until his departure in 2015. Steve Forbes said: “Kibbe has been to FreedomWorks what Steve Jobs was to Apple.”
An economist by training, Kibbe did graduate work at George Mason University and received his B.A. from Grove City College. He serves at the whim of his awesome wife Terry, and their three objectivist cats, Roark, Ragnar and Rearden. Kibbe is a fanatical DeadHead, drinker of craft beer and whisky, and collector of obscure books on Austrian economics.
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The Best alternative to all these extra taxes is the FairTax, it removes all forms of income tax and makes it a sales tax and it is completely transparent. The most studied replacement for our current regressive tax system.
The postal service is a great service. This is an example of selective fact-picking to advance a narrative. The postal service receives zero tax dollars for operating expenses. — I don’t smoke and I rarely drink. Taxing those who use those products is far more reasonable than taxing everyone. For instance, to supplement smoking cessation programs, tax smokers — not non-smokers. I agree that government spending is wildly out of control. Let’s address the millions (or maybe even billions?) of dollars in pork barrel legislation and asinine earmarks over things like a 5 cent stamp increase. *Eyeroll* One final comment. Video was clean, but next time put the cue cards above the camera so it doesn’t look like he’s talking to the upper corner of the room.
aww, surely you could find better examples! Could make such a better case with the video.
1. Vaping – omg, massive amounts of people thing vaping is killing their kids and that people who vape are idiots. They won’t care that this industry is regulated. Isn’t there a more sympathetic industry or example you could choose? Can’t you find one where regulation put small guys out of business, and we ended up with large corporates (regulatory burden tends to favor larger orgs that can handle the cost, disadvantages smaller players)
2. Post office?? why not choose Veterans Affairs talk about veterans health care. What about dmv, passport services, roads, um…post office is rather obsolete
3. Alcohol and cigarettes? is that the biggest hidden tax? At least show yuppies/city dwellers drinking wine, or how about a family barbeque with some beer.
4. Inflation – I totally agree and this one makes me angry as it hurts the poorest among us – if you really care about the disadvantaged you wouldn’t do things that reduce the purchasing power of the dollar. Just look at what a dollar would buy you 50 yrs/30 yrs/10 years ago. It’s criminal because it punishes savers and wages always lag behind.