Nov 24, 2020
The Cure for Critical Theory is Liberalism
Critical theory and postmodern thought are quickly taking over our schools, workplaces, and governments. With the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, we can expect to see even more of these policies integrated into our government. Why does this matter? It matters because this way of thinking has the power to undo the tremendous progress that we have already made as a society. So this Thanksgiving, let’s reject these toxic ideas of critical theory. Let’s instead be grateful for the ideas of liberalism—of individual liberty, equality of opportunity, free and open inquiry, and free speech and debate. Sam Martin, creative director at Free the People, breaks it all down in the latest episode of The Cult of Wokeness.
The ideas of liberalism are radical in the sense of revolutionary doctrines. Such as: a) The individual is the proper agent of freedom of choice-? b) Equalitarianism means one person is worth the respect of governing bodies-?
Even as early as the year 1215 of the current era in England, some people did something to shore up the rights of individuals opposed to authoritarian government.
Equality needs more and continued practice.