Socialism Sucks and Beer is Freedom

Get the new book, Socialism Sucks: Two Economists Drink Their Way Through the Unfree World by coauthors Robert Lawson and Benjamin Powell:

Matt Kibbe, Lawson, and Powell enjoy some of the finest craft beer America has to offer. Meanwhile, it’s hard to find good beer—or sometimes any beer at all—in socialist countries.

That’s right, socialism—the economic system that has impoverished people everywhere and resulted in the deaths of tens of millions. Don’t miss this new book. Every American who values freedom and sound economics (and good beer) needs to read this.

Also catch Lawson and Powell on the Kibbe on Liberty podcast:

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Matt Kibbe is President of Free the People. A fanatical DeadHead, drinker of craft beer and whisky, and collector of obscure books on Austrian economics, Kibbe is the host of BlazeTV’s Kibbe on Liberty, a weekly podcast that insists you think for yourself.

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