How to Prevent the Next Mass Shooting

Recent mass shooters all have one thing in common — lack of father involvement. Warren Farrell, Ph.D. shares his expert knowledge on what he believes is the root of these tragedies and how we can prevent the next mass shooting from happening.

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Matt Kibbe is President of Free the People. A fanatical DeadHead, drinker of craft beer and whisky, and collector of obscure books on Austrian economics, Kibbe is the host of BlazeTV’s Kibbe on Liberty, a weekly podcast that insists you think for yourself.


  • Nov 15, 2018
    James N. Dawson

    All this might be helpful, but I have reservations about the culturally conservative tone. Why the advocacy for “faith-based” involvement? Maybe some people, I’d think a lot of libertarians, see flaws in the worldviews he alludes to.
    I thought I joined a libertarian website. I don’t like muddling conservative and libertarian worldviews. The differences are too important.

  • Nov 15, 2018

    Very misleading. Prevent the “next” mass shooting sounds like an instant cure, not fixing the basics of society. Why do these “boys” need faith based father figures to hand them over to pedophile priests and scout leaders? It isn’t atheists performing these atrocities. This guy gives me the heebie jeebies. I wonder how many others with law enforcement or social work backgrounds feel the same way. I’m disappointed, Matt.

  • Nov 15, 2018

    And don’t let them anywhere near the military. Why are we surprised that mass shootings happen in a country where people stand up and cheer for the government’s hired killers when they walk through the airport? Where they hoot and holler like drunken frat boys when its death machines fly over an NFL game or a NASCAR race?

    • Nov 15, 2018

      I get the impression you may be living in wrong county.😞 maybe you can find one that you will be much happier living in.

    • Aug 6, 2019

      Do you live in the USA? If so I would suggest moving to a country that does not display patriotism.

    • Aug 6, 2019

      You seem to be lost, take a wrong turn somewhere?

    • Aug 6, 2019
      Smeg Head

      You’re a delusional idiot Roland

  • May 9, 2019
    Ned Netterville

    Good analysis.

    Violence begets violence. One act of violence produces more of the same. Unfortunately, the spawn of violence do not follow predictable paths. They may mutate, divide, increase in size and emerge without warning near or far. The only certainty is that they will produce more violence.

    On March 11, United States Army Sergeant Robert Bales went on a violent house-to-house rampage in a village near his base, killing 17 civilians, including 9 children. Bales is in U.S. custody now and could face the death penalty.

    Nine months later:

    On December 14, 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut, at the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, killed twenty-six people and himself. He first killed his mother at their shared home before taking her guns and driving to the school. Lanza brought four guns with him. He killed twenty first-grade children aged six and seven during the attack at school, along with six adults, including four teachers, the principal, and the school psychologist. Two other persons were injured. Lanza then killed himself as police arrived at the school.

    Violence begets violence.

  • Aug 6, 2019
    Charles Emery

    Unless I missed it, why was there no mention of Scouting? Scouts checks several of the boxes the doctor was enumerating.

    • Aug 10, 2019
      Brian Tucker

      Thank you, as a Scout Master I thought he went out of his way to exclude Scouts, while unnecessarily emphasising team sports and other outdoor programs. If you’re going to portray that many activities involving camping, boys and outdoor activities it seems you should be addressing the only organization that has been addressing that need for the last 100 years.


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