May 21, 2020
The Music Never Stopped During the 1968 Pandemic
From September 1968 to December 1969, Matt Kibbe’s favorite band, the Grateful Dead, would play 177 concerts in the United States. It’s hard to imagine today, but this happened in the midst of a global pandemic that would kill an estimated 1,000,000 people. The Hong Kong Flu of 1968 was carried to the United States by soldiers returning to California from the Vietnam War. The Dead, the Rolling Stones, the Beatles, and many more iconic bands never stopped playing. Even Woodstock carried on in the midst of the pandemic. So why is everyone singing a different tune now during COVID-19?
lol at 1,000,000 GLOBALLY and ONLY 100,000 in the USA. So have you changed your tune about this or still chasing that ego? I bet your video is even more comical than your excerpt.