If history has taught us anything, it is that you can vote your way into socialism, but you cannot vote your way out.
Tag - venezuela
Why Did We Stop Talking About Venezuela? | Guest: Jorge Jraissati | Ep 266
When the socialist policies of Nicolas Maduro and Hugo Chavez transformed Venezuela from a prosperous country into a humanitarian disaster, it was big news all over the world.
Economist and social activist Gloria Alvarez sits down with Matt Kibbe to discuss the popularity of Marxist ideas in Latin America.
How Do We Learn from Venezuela’s Mistakes? | Guest: Daniel Di Martino | Ep 31
Venezuelan expatriate Daniel Di Martino talks to Matt Kibbe about what it was like to grow up under the government of Hugo Chavez.
Get the new book, Socialism Sucks: Two Economists Drink Their Way Through the Unfree World by coauthors Robert Lawson and Benjamin Powell:
Drinking Your Way Through the Socialist World | Guests: Benjamin Powell and Robert Lawson | Ep 19
Two thirsty economists learned firsthand about surviving socialism in Cuba, starving socialism in Venezuela, and the collectivist black hole of North Korea.
Matt Kibbe is joined by the Atlas Network’s Dr. Roberto Salinas León to discuss the future of Mexico and its relationship with the United States.
Kelley Beaucar Vlahos discusses the effects of John Bolton, Mike Pence, and Mike Pompeo's consistent calls for military intervention in Venezuela.
One of the most prosperous countries in Latin America has become a violent, destitute nightmare seemingly overnight, as the world looks on in horror.
In socialist Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro has instituted military courts and uses gangs to round up protesters for speaking out against the government. The father of one of the country's most celebrated activists, Leopoldo López, explains how bad it's really gotten.