A pattern of lies out from Washington governing class should make any concerned citizen think twice about dictates from on high. Or for reflexively demanding a ban.
Tag - vaccines
Long before KDFC was sinking into budgetary issues in 2023, the station had already succumbed to fear.
We think of the McCarthy Era in American politics as one of oppression, paranoia, and unfounded witch hunts that ruined lives and destroyed careers.
New Hampshire Libertarians Hold Lockdowners Accountable | Guests: Nolan Pelletier, Robley Hall, Ben Richards | Ep 186
Matt Kibbe sits down with three members of the New Hampshire Libertarian Party to talk about the Free State Project and the pro-liberty trend in New Hampshire politics.
Big Pharma Is Buying Washington’s Vaccine Policy | Guest: Adam Andrzejewski | Ep 184
Matt Kibbe is joined by Adam Andrzejewski, CEO of Openthebooks.com, to discuss the complex web of payola that exists between major pharmaceutical companies and scientists at the NIH.
Tricia Lindsay, Esq. vs. Mandates That Discriminate | Leaving the Left for Liberty | Ep 9
Tricia Lindsay is a civil rights attorney in New York with a valuable perspective to offer on the vaccine mandates, the well-being of our children, parental rights, and freedom of religion.
By expanding Medicare coverage and increasing government spending on health care, eventually we’ll have a full-fledged universal single-payer system in which the government is the one and only source of health insurance.
Justin Trudeau warned that for the unvaccinated “there will be consequences.”
There's a lesson to absorb from the Canadian truckers.
In the United States, COVID fatigue has begun to set in, even among most of the left.