Did you know last month featured the four-year anniversary of the first Covid clampdown?
Tag - lockdowns
At New Hampshire’s Liberty Forum, Matt Kibbe talks to Glenn Jacobs, mayor of Knox County, Tennessee, about a wide variety of liberty issues, from the dishonesty of lockdowns and the unsustainability of the national debt to the way in which the invocation of "democracy" has become a code...
It’s easy to take a revisionist view of our initial attitudes toward the COVID-19 lockdowns now that several years have passed and the initial fog of confusion has been replaced by a series of increasingly inconvenient facts for the COVID-authoritarians.
Developing Countries Suffered Most from Lockdowns | Guest: David Malpass | Ep 260
When COVID lockdowns were imposed, the focus of policymakers was on protecting the citizens of developed countries from the virus. While they failed to do this, they also neglected to consider the impact of people struggling with poverty around the world.
The terrifying thing about COVID policies was that they were not imposed by governments on an unwilling public but were welcomed and even demanded by many people.
The public response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing government lockdowns was a shocking wake-up call to many of us about the nature of our fellow human beings.
Did you hear? Covid’s back!
Forgiving Foes and God vs. Government | Dr. James Coates, Pastor | Ep 28
Dr. James Coates is the pastor-teacher at GraceLife Church of Edmonton in Alberta, Canada. In 2021, James was arrested for opening his church in violation of COVID-19 restrictions.
I heard his speech and believed it to be one of the most salient and sane political announcements I had heard. He was full of facts and thoughts, but also convicted about his beliefs. He said things that made me actually like America and its ideals.
Long before KDFC was sinking into budgetary issues in 2023, the station had already succumbed to fear.