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Tag - individualism
Many believe America is in decline or is “past its prime.” Don’t believe it.
Giving to charity isn't just a moral pursuit in itself, it's also essential if we want to convince more people that rolling back the welfare state is a viable option.
The gridlock that House Republicans find themselves in—three days running—to elect a Speaker is a nice metaphor for the current state of America: angry, polarized, and unable to move forward.
Turns Out It’s Neither
Get out and see this amazing land we live in while you still can.
Only the individual mind exists for perceiving the universe. Each of us would do well to remember this and respect it during our short, precious time as conscious beings.
The pandemic exposed the folly of the leviathan our government is, consuming more and more control over our daily lives.
To better understand Romanticism, regard it not as a movement, a genre in art, but as a point of view.
Sienna Mae Heath talks with whistleblowers, dissidents, and other alternative voices who have left the culture of the political Left for more creative freedom, professional freedom, and personal freedom.