Noelle Fitchett is a Christian cultural and political commentator originally from Los Angeles, CA. She’s a first-generation college grad and now a graduate student. Noelle lives by the motto “facts don’t change minds, rather friendships do.”
Tag - community
War like any crisis invites new tyrannies and erodes freedoms, but worse of all it destroys our shared humanity.
The pandemic exposed the folly of the leviathan our government is, consuming more and more control over our daily lives.
How do we recapture a broad national sense of patriotism?
These days, everyone seems like a threat to everyone all the time.
This is a call to action to take back your justice system. We have an opportunity to learn from what they did in Longmont, and to do it in our own cities.
Matt and Terry Kibbe visit Tel Aviv, Israel to tell the story of Jem's Beer Factory.
No matter your views on American immigration policy, we should all take time to appreciate the many ways in which immigrants make our lives better on a daily basis.