Aug 1, 2022
Let’s Talk About… The Minimum Wage
Everybody wants to make more money. It doesn’t seem right that someone working full-time should struggle to feed themselves and their family. That’s why many people argue for a higher minimum wage. But is it a deal too good to be true? Like many well-intentioned government interventions, mandated minimum wages tend to hurt the very people they are designed to help. Instead of lifting people at the margins out of poverty, the minimum wage locks them out of the job market entirely, giving them no path to achieve financial independence and the self-worth that comes with it. Matt Kibbe explains it all in this episode of Let’s Talk About…
Workers and employers should understand that govt. is not reason, under the political paradigm, it is force, threats, fraud, and therefore uses coercion against innocent citizens to interfere in business, distorting the economy, disrupting the market, destroying wealth, just as taxation does.
Brad Makowski
you got it stay there! peace out! bye! Brad M.