
How Socialism Killed Venezuela

The stories and photos that come out of Venezuela these days are heartbreaking. People picking through trash to find food for their families, hospitals lacking the most basic medical supplies, stores with empty shelves, money that has become worthless even if there were something to buy, and lawless gangs beating senseless anyone who dares challenge the tyrannical regime of President Nicolàs Maduro.

One of the most prosperous countries in Latin America has become a violent, destitute nightmare seemingly overnight, as the world looks on in horror.

Marxist academics and pundits have been brazen in their attempts to shift the blame for Venezuela’s downfall away from the socialist regime that has ruled the nation for nearly twenty years. It was just oil prices dropping that destroyed the economy, they claim; or it was corruption; or the classic “it’s not real socialism.”

In Episode 2 of The Deadly Isms video series, Matt Kibbe rips apart these arguments by telling the story of Hugo Chávez, a populist strongman who was explicit in his desire to turn Venezuela into a socialist state. Unable to do so all at once due to Venezuela’s U.S.-inspired constitution, Chávez set about systematically tearing down the checks and balances through raw popular support.

When Chávez nationalized his nation’s massive oil industry and used its proceeds to fund a torrent of unsustainable social spending, it seemed like his promise of a socialist utopia might come true. He was the toast of the Marxist intelligentsia all over the world, with leftist Hollywood stars and progressive politicians in the United States fawning over the man they claimed had finally proved that socialism was the future.

We all know now how and where that has led, and we owe it to the suffering people of Venezuela to learn from their government’s example that socialism kills.

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Josh Withrow is the former Director of Public Policy at Free the People. He transitioned from studying medieval history to modern policy, only to find nothing has changed.


  • Nov 5, 2020
    Robert Cole

    Can someone tell me what good is it that every USA patriots vote I would like to know why are only electorial votes to determine the winner I cannot believe that this country wants socialism to rule 5 years ago Obama put us in a recession and things looked very grim that’s why President Trump brought us out , he did all his best to make America Great again people were actually much more happier that someone would actually keep their promise But He Did he accomplished more in 4 years than Obama did in 4 (recession) all of American Business were closing shop and moved out , President Trump promised that they will come back and they did he promised to man our borders to and they did he said that it was time for Americans stick together to help our selves and we did My mind actually hurts thinking about what the hell are we gonna go thru socialisam and what comes with it we will have so many deaths that will be dismissed because it is the American Socialism jobs will be moving to other places which will be a kick in the head So its scary to think about (no jobs no money to pay for our bills and food for our children Even the big rich people will be taxed so high that they are forced to shut down medical help will only be for the rich because the gover ment can do it so I sincerely pray for our President to remain in order to continuing to help us so please stand up for our survival keep our country strong US Veteran


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