Progressives use free products to take away freedom.
James Anthony
James Anthony is an experienced chemical engineer who applies process design, dynamics, and control to government processes. He is the author of The Constitution Needs a Good Party and rConstitution Papers, the publisher of, and an author in Daily Caller, The Federalist, American Thinker, American Greatness, Mises Institute, and Foundation for Economic Education. For more information, see his media and about pages.
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Ending the legal-tender monopoly will build cooperation, living standards, and civilization.
When people are free, people innovate. Government-free schooling will be world-changing freedom.
Voters need much more than less-bad policies. Voters need genuinely-good party processes and government processes.
Allegiance shouldn’t be forced. Allegiance declarations should reinforce the Constitution.
We’re headed in a bad direction. We must turn and head in a good direction.
The best system for justice is supervision of justice producers by customers.
USA governments’ histories show that it doesn’t work to simply hope for honorable people to seek office and then limit themselves and others.
Life, liberty, and property are secure only if governments are limited by having ambition counter ambition.
All these politicians and bureaucrats aren’t cleaning up their own acts, they’re cleaning us out. We need better plans of our own.