Will you be at FreedomFest?
The Free the People team is heading to Las Vegas for this year’s FreedomFest on July 13-16, and we want to see you there!
We have a crazy busy week, but would love for you to stop by and say hello. You can find us at Free the People’s Booth 123 or come to one of the many sessions where we will be speaking. This year, our theme is the unbreakable connection between artistic integrity and individual liberty, and we’ve got plenty of cool events centered around freedom and art.
Here’s our schedule:
Thursday 7/14
Pandemics and Liberty
Free the People, along with our friends at AIER, was one of the earliest groups to speak out against unprecedented government abuses of power during the pandemic. Join Matt Kibbe, AIER’s Phil Magness, and others as we discuss the ensuing humanitarian disaster caused by government policies over the past two years, and how authoritarian pandemic policies might determine how future crises will be handled.
Friday 7/15
Anthem Film Festival: The Free Life: Portrait of an Artist
To date, Free the People has won awards every single year since we started competing at the Anthem Film Festival in 2018. Will our winning streak continue this year? You can help by joining us to watch our latest film, The Free Life. It’s about the price one artist is willing to pay to flee the dictatorship of Fidel Castro’s Cuba in pursuit of artistic freedom. We think this is our best work yet, but the competition gets more intense every year. Of course, you can help by voting for us in the Audience Choice Awards!
(Montego A)
Essential Connection Between Freedom and Art
Following the screening of our film, Terry Kibbe will be moderating a panel to discuss the role of art in a free society, and why the freedom to create is every bit as essential to a life well-lived as all other pursuits of life, liberty, and happiness. Speakers will include Free the People’s very own Matt Battaglia and Sam Martin.
(Montego A)
Saturday 7/16
In The Belly of the Beast
Matt Kibbe will take the main stage along with Senator Mike Lee and Congressman Warren Davidson to talk about the dumpster fire that is Washington DC. How can we reverse course from the disastrous economic policies that have created the first stagflation in 40 years? Will there be political accountability in November? And can Republicans do any better?
(Main Stage)
Free Speech is a Feminist Issue
Terry Kibbe will be on this panel, along with several other amazing women, to discuss why the ability to speak your mind is fundamentally connected to women’s rights. This might get spicy since Terry doesn’t identify as a modern feminist at all. She’s far too Dagny Taggart for all that. And since the topic is free speech and opposition to censorship, there’s no telling what she might say.
(Montego B/C)
Why Do Despots Hate Artists?
There’s an observable trend in the history of dictatorships, where despots single out artists and poets and musicians first, in a vain attempt to stifle the subversive and independent thinking that naturally flows from the creative process. The reason for this is simple: artists influence culture, and culture has the power to change the world. Matt and Terry Kibbe will be telling stories about various socialist dictators and their desperate, and often failed, efforts to crush the independent human spirit.
(Trinidad A/B)
And, finally, Free the People’s executive producer and resident artist Matt Battaglia keeps this theme right on rolling with three separate panels on art and freedom.
(St. Thomas A)
FreedomFest Art Show: Conversations with the Artists
The Essential Connection Between Freedom and Art
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly: Freedom of Expression in Today’s Comic Books
If you’re coming to FreedomFest, let’s connect! If you can’t make it this year, don’t worry. In this one case, what happens in Vegas won’t stay in Vegas forever.