Most people think about taxation as a bite out of their paychecks, an extra expense at the grocery store, and a massive hassle around April 15 every year.
Tag - taxes
No government employee or bureaucracy can pretend to know about an individual/family’s plight. The solution to poverty on their end is very simple: stop making things worse.
Who or what is to be justifiably blamed for this event and others like it?
Western countries are now to pay compensation for the historic sin of taking the world out of millenia of crippling poverty, just because that inevitably includes some carbon emissions.
As always, the middle will be screwed by the margins. The young and childless and the old and childlike will try to fleece one another, only to settle their sights on the easiest mark: the tax-paying, burden-carrying median.
Many people on the American political right love sharing memes of Robin Hood as a liberty-loving hero for the common person.
In a way, the property tax is the most egregious tax.
The IRS, the FBI, or the Federal Reserve, are all at minimum aconstitutional if not outright unconstitutional and yet, they continue unchallenged to this day.
Why is our government choosing to pick one corrupt side over the other when it can ignore both and focus on its own ‘customers’?
Next month, citizens can put a stop to the city borrowing like a teenager who stole his parents’ credit card.