Other than the loss of a few forgettable afternoon TV hits, no Fox viewer will much miss Jonah Goldberg or Stephen Hayes.
Tag - media
Are “identity politics” all that remains when we can’t agree what’s real?
Gen Z is arguably the most socially-conscious generation alive, and they want their economic system to align with how they feel regarding social issues.
Can we officially say this is how the 2020s will be remembered, and more importantly can we change the course?
Matt Kibbe sits down with Marc Clair to talk about their common medium of podcasting and how it’s transforming the way that people get their information.
Now is time to seek out and acquire what is necessary to counterattack the tyranny of mood control that poisons every aspect of public discourse.
Pollsters, journalists, and self-proclaimed “experts” manipulate data and statistics to tell the story they want you to hear.
News outlets have been repeatedly caught misrepresenting the COVID-19 pandemic to paint a picture that is worse than what Americans can actually observe with their own eyes.
A Christian and an Atheist Meet in Vegas | Guests: Glenn Beck and Penn Jillette | Ep 25
Matt Kibbe is joined in Las Vegas by Glenn Beck and Penn Jillette.
The electoral system is rigged, but not in the way Trump thinks. The media created Trump before they destroyed him.