David Hogg is also a tragic character: failed by the institutions charged with his moral formation.
Tag - election
Biden may not regret packing it in for the whitecapped views. He may have outsmarted us all.
The 2024 Summer of Consequence has ramifications our over media-stimulated political system hasn’t made complete sense of.
Haven’t you heard? Kamala Harris has brought the joy back to politics.
Republicans will be the party of regulation and redistribution; Democrats will be the Randian handmaidens of Wall Street.
Every election cycle, it seems like our choices get not only worse but more limited. The two-party system consistently delivers poor candidates who resemble each other more than they differ.
It’s 2048, and America is still facing “the most important election of our lifetime.”
Young American voters aren’t exactly jiving with the system. They’re just as cynical and turned off by our aging institutions as downmarket Trump supporters.
Two years ago, the Administration announced its intention to ban menthol-imbued cigarettes. But then this pesky thing called an election just had to come along.
This is the most important election of our lifetime! Sound familiar? In this episode Sam Martin discusses the real motivations behind this narrative, and why fearmongering has taken over American elections.