
Freedom Trek

Matt Kibbe and his crew of intrepid filmmakers travel the world to learn about freedom


There's Always Freedom In Philly: Matt Kibbe & Nick Freitas

Matt Kibbe and Nick Freitas hit the road in Philadelphia to talk about the uniqueness of the American experiment.

Freedom Trek: Belgrade, Serbia

Matt Kibbe and his crew of filmmakers are invited to Belgrade, Serbia. They hook up with local friend and guide, Petar, to learn about Belgrade's communist past and sample some amazing food, drink, and culture.

Freedom Trek: New York City

Cultural appropriation is everywhere. Matt Kibbe and the Free the People crew travel to New York City and discover that not only is cultural appropriation everywhere, it's what makes the city so great.

Freedom Trek: South Africa

Overcoming a history of apartheid, we toured the burgeoning liberty movement in South Africa, along with its history, culture, and people. Matt Kibbe gets real in Freedom Trek: South Africa.