The Technocratic Emperor Has No Clothes | Guests: Brian McWilliams and Calum Nicholson | Ep 154

Matt Kibbe is joined by Brian McWilliams, co-founder of Lions of Liberty, and Calum Nicholson, visiting fellow at the Danube Institute, to discuss the failures of the technocratic state in managing public health during a pandemic, spreading democracy abroad, and just about everything else. While it’s difficult to find a silver lining in the last two years of chaos, one bright spot may be the revelation to many people that those who wish to design society from the top down really have no idea what they are talking about. The people who hold the levers of power imagine that they know enough to understand, and therefore effectively control, the lives of millions of people, but we now have enough empirical evidence to see very clearly that that is simply not the case.

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Matt Kibbe is President of Free the People. A fanatical DeadHead, drinker of craft beer and whisky, and collector of obscure books on Austrian economics, Kibbe is the host of BlazeTV’s Kibbe on Liberty, a weekly podcast that insists you think for yourself.


  • Dec 31, 2021
    Gordon Smith

    cats are evil – they are not libertarian, but totalitarian


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