Levi’s President Told to Zip It Over COVID Opinions | Guest: Jennifer Sey | Ep 205
Matt Kibbe talks to Jennifer Sey, former brand president of Levi’s, about how she was pushed out of the company over her views on COVID lockdowns. In this off-the-cuff conversation, Sey is bursting at the seams to explain how she legged it from the jeans giant rather than button her lip, as it became increasingly clear that some political leaders were in the pocket of Big Pharma, telling pants-on-fire lies to the public, and implementing policies that were apparently made up on the fly. Not wanting to feel hemmed in, she buckled down and wrote a book, “Levi’s Unbuttoned,” about her experiences, in which she stitches up those who wanted to silence her and others like her.
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Darren Schwede
Enjoyed the back and forth and examples given on the myriad topics discussed here – really great conversations. Look forward to reading the book! I probably became a libertarian after reading Economics in One Lesson back in my early thirties. How many stories are out there of democrats, who only after seeing themselves or others “trampled” by the power-seeking members of that party, drift over to the libertarian mindset. Now that I’m saying this, I don’t understand why anyone from the LGBTQ?? community isn’t libertarian…what’s the meme “Diligently plotting to take over the world and leave you alone”. My mom, a conservative Republican, has started seeing my points and asks, “So why aren’t there any Libertarians in office then?” (Exceptions granted) and I say because libertarians aren’t promising anyone anything except to basically leave people alone to solve their own problems…she gets that.