make an impact
Help us inspire a new generation to embrace personal liberty and peaceful cooperation. Donations to Free the People Foundation directly support our filmmaking efforts and the distribution of our content. We accept donations of any amount.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, which means that your donation is tax-deductible. Here some ways that you can support our mission:
$5 | fuel our mission with caffeine
$100 | cover a meal for our crew on a film shoot
$500 | fund marketing exposure to reach new people
$2,500 | acquire high-retention podcast subscribers
$10,000 | sponsor a film screening and reception event
Make a greater impact by donating long-term appreciated securities, including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, directly to Free the People.
Contact us for more information.
make a tax-deductible donation to Free the People
donate by mail
Free the People Foundation
611 Pennsylvania Avenue SE #259
Washington, DC 20003
Free the People Foundation is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) educational foundation. As a non-profit organization, Free the People Foundation does not participate in nor try to influence the results of any federal, state, or local election. Contributions can be of any amount; can be made by individuals, corporations, or foundations; and are tax-deductible to the degree allowable by law.