From the author:
This book is written to convince others, as I myself am convinced, quietly and without hysteria, that already, after but 146 years of national life, we Americans must face the same old fight with Too Much Government and Too Much Taxation that has scarred the history of every nation ever since history itself began. As it is with autocracy, so it is with democracy. There is no magic in mere form of government to change human love of power and wealth, or to make politics unselfish. Our contemporary, William J. Bryan, sometimes called the “Great Commoner,” in his palmy day was plainly as willing to rule as was William of Hohenzollern, or Julius Caesar; while no tyrant in history, I imagine, actually governed more, or taxed more, than Bryan’s fellow democrat, Woodrow Wilson. Indeed, sincere Americans are just now engaged in raising a fund in honor of the man who led his country, farthest of all our political theorists, away from that traditional distrust and hatred of too much government and too much taxation which drove our Pilgrim ancestors overseas.