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Sell Liberty like Don Draper

 Author: Joseph S. Diedrich  Category: Liberty Guides  File Size: 1.1 MB More Details  Download

We all want to sell liberty, but it’s no walk in the park. I don’t care if you’re twelve, twenty-two, or sixty-five. I don’t care if you’re a professor, a plumber, or a photographer. I don’t care how many treatises you’ve read, how many conferences you’ve attended, or how many Adderall you had for breakfast. Sharing your ideas about liberty is difficult.

You struggle to effectively discuss and write about liberty in ways that inform and impassion others. Yet you know the effort is ultimately worth it, for liberty fights for peace, unleashes creativity, and impoverishes suffering. So then, how can you communicate better and share liberty with more efficacy? Read this guide to learn how you can sell liberty like Don Draper.

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