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Rule of Law

 Author: Dustin Romney  Category: Member Books  File Size: 1.9 MB More Details  Download

When I began writing this book in November of 2012, there weren’t many people talking about amending the Constitution. Since that time, at least three other books, written by well-known authors, and a nation-wide grass roots movement have called for constitutional amendments. There seems to be a growing realization in America that if government is to be fixed, we are going to have to think beyond politics and elections. In fact, a central design feature of the Constitution was to insulate government from the impulsive world of politics. We must come to the realization that our system is broken and it would be foolish to expect great results from even the best of operators if they had broken instruments.

“Rule of Law” makes a powerful case for amending the Constitution by providing a deep historical context, which explains in detail where things went wrong in our constitutional system. The book then provides specific amendments supported by irresistible reasoning and extensive empirical analysis. Rich in both legal and economic research, “Rule of Law” is a valuable addition to the growing calls for amending the Constitution. For those interested in out-of-the-box solutions to the problems that affect us all, this book belongs on your shelf.

Those of us who have grown up in a foreign country tend to be more keenly aware of America’s unique strengths. For me, it also means that her mistakes are equally visible. Mexico, my country of birth, has become a case study for government in what not to do. The country suffers because of government actions: bad trade policy, nationalization of industry, government-sanctioned monopolies and weak rule of law. It has ignored its constitution and propagated laws and overlapping agencies which have created a fertile breeding ground for corruption. When I see the United States Government going down this path so clearly, it is unfathomable to me that so few can see it happening. My hope and prayer is that America can avoid this well-traveled path. To that end I wrote this book.

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