America Has Just Crossed the Rubicon
Trump’s failed assassination attempt shows just how much of a virus wokeism is, and why it needs to be stopped.
In 49 BC, Julius Caesar made a decision which altered the course of Rome for centuries to come. He crossed the River Rubicon with the 13th Legion, an act forbidden to all military commanders without special permission from the Senate. There was no turning back.
America is facing its own Rubicon. The failed assassination attempt on former President Trump not only highlights the depravity of those radicalized by wokeness, critical theory, and social justice politics in recent years, but also the media institutions which perpetuate racist dog whistles in cheap attempts to remove Trump and those right-of-center from the political arena.
As former Special Assistant Scott Jennings poignantly stated during the July 13, 2024 CNN “Breaking News” segment: “What other wakeup call could there be for everybody in this country right now?”
Unfortunately, this was a wakeup call that came too late. Hatred has been fomenting for years, and no one seems to care—especially those in the media.
The Fire is Kindled
Ever since Trump announced on that elevator that he would run for President, there has never been a moment of respite from the Left at accusing anyone right of Che Guevara of being a Nazi, white supremacist, colonizer, etc. Take your pick; the radical Left has used every pejorative in the book, and they will never stop.
Throughout college campuses, social media platforms, and overpriced coffee shops, we’ve heard these social justice warriors cry out “speech is violence!” They would physically repulse at an opinion that runs slightly contrary to theirs, and would react emotionally, erratically, and sometimes even violently to the sheer horror of the diversity of thought.
They took that mantra to the logical extreme on Saturday, July 13, 2024, and now there’s no crossing back over the Rubicon.
The Road to Hell is Paved With…
The perpetual woke have a concerning track record with political violence. While they exclaim that a second Trump administration would put minorities in concentration camps and start world wars, it seems that it’s always self-professed leftists and democrats who carry out violent acts against their political rivals.
Lest we forget the “Summer of Love” of 2020 when countless riots broke out causing over $1 billion in property damage, Antifa terrorists roamed the streets and systematically assaulted innocent civilians, or the seemingly never-ending attacks on our law enforcement as our cities were left to decay.
Meanwhile, the legacy media machine has never faltered in gaslighting the public on the true damage this social unrest has caused us. To add fuel to the fire, they’ve been constantly perpetuating the egregious notion that Trump is Hitler incarnate—the second coming of the Dark Lord to destroy all progress and DEI initiatives. In order for Democracy to succeed, the Left is, “still gonna have to put a bullet in Donald Trump.” Voter beware!
This exaggeration of current American politics has certainly taken its toll. What was initially an attempt by the establishment media to scare people into voting for Hillary Clinton back in 2016, has now seemingly become a profitable business model.
The Guardian, The Washington Post, ABC News, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and more recently The New Republic, are just a handful of a large array of media outlets which seem to enjoy fantasizing about a Trump-führer doomsday scenario. Why would they change their tune? The fear-mongering certainly brings in an audience.
This isn’t just conjecture; it’s had an actual effect. Around one third of registered democrats believe the Trump assassination was staged. What was that line again about spreading misinformation?
Gaslighting in an Era of Woke Grandstanding
Unfortunately for the country, this derangement has seeped its way into popular culture, and into the empty minds of the influencer elite. We shouldn’t forget when it was fashionable for certain B-list celebrities to hold bloodied severed prop heads with an uncanny resemblance to the 45th president, nor should we let slip how public figures would express their desires to assassinate Trump, to blow up the White House, or to eagerly profess how Trump is more dangerous and duplicitous than even Hitler or Mussolini.
Instead of “protecting our democracy,” as so many on the political Left enjoy reminding us these days, we received an executive octogenarian who fearmongers and works to silence all opposition he deems “fascistic.”
What has all this violent rhetoric from the Left gotten us? A safer society? A more robust democracy? A more diverse, equitable, and inclusive country?
It’s time to wake up.
“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
Since Trump’s election in 2016, there has been a concerning rise in left-wing violence in America. From BLM riots, to Antifa assaults, to firebombing family planning centers and churches, and full-on firefights with law enforcement, we’ve seen Leftist fanatics tirelessly work to intimidate and harm those who do not share their world view.
In 2017, Republican Representative Steve Scalise was shot at a Congressional baseball game by a radicalized Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer.
In 2022, NY Republican gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin was nearly stabbed to death by an assailant during a campaign event. The attacker was almost immediately released without bail, as permitted under New York’s “tolerant” criminal laws.
And now in July of 2024, the Republican candidate for president was almost murdered by a 20-year-old recluse who donated to the leftist organization Act Blue in 2021. One innocent attendee was confirmed dead.
While this attempted murder has brought people together in support of those affected, including the Trump family, others on social media have been less than respectful—angry even—for the fact that Trump did not die that day.
And how can we forget Legacy Media at a time like this? Less than a day after the events transpired, ABC News was quick to point the finger back at Trump and his supporters for contributing to this “violent rhetoric.” Are we forgetting January 6th? ABC certainly can’t.
It seems the Democrats are back at accusing Republicans and the former president of being very real threats to our democracy. Old habits die hard, and the newly endorsed, presumptive democratic presidential nominee, Kamala Harris sees no issue with repeating the easily debunked lie that Trump wants to take away women’s rights by enacting a national abortion ban. So much for unity and “restoring civility.”
A Woke Nightmare That Needs To End
The main form of conversation for Leftists and Progressives these days seems to revolve around screaming, crying, and lobbing threats at those who do not adhere to the Church of Woke. Anyone who does not fall in line with the social justice platform of pseudoscientific social hierarchies, inherent racism, and illogical gender pronouns are themselves victimized by these perpetual victims.
Unfortunately for some—including President Trump—that may look like a bullseye over their heads.
It’s time to reveal wokeism for what it truly is. At worst, it is political terrorism, and at best, it is the illiberal path to certain dictatorship. We shouldn’t have to live in an America where we wonder whether our preferred candidate will still be alive when we wake up in the morning. Last time I checked, assassination attempts are a direct threat to our democracy, no?
Violence has no place in civil society. Wokeism, as the inherently divisive, prejudiced, and racist ideology it is, is a sickness slowly decaying American society. It is incompatible with our way of life, a free society, and a safe country.
Let’s not allow this sort of behavior to become even more commonplace. Call out the woke on their hypocrisy. Shine a light on their hate—wherever that may be. Whether you’re at work, in class, or out with your friends, any perpetuation of the cancers known as social justice, critical theory, and neo-Marxist jargon best left in Soviet history books, should be called out for the fakery they truly are. Besides, sunlight has always been the best disinfectant.
We have crossed the Rubicon. Onwards.
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