What was the catalyst behind Donald Trump’s swing-state sweep?
Tag - democrats
As a Son of Immigrants, Trump’s Victory Spells a New Hope for Americans Abandoned by the Democratic Party
Instead of helping Americans where they need it most, the Democrats would rather play the game of identity politics.
Where are the blue-mohawked, septum-pierced shriek clips looping on Fox News primetime?
Republicans will be the party of regulation and redistribution; Democrats will be the Randian handmaidens of Wall Street.
“Reminder: You’re electing a team,” former Biden video producer Chris Strider PSAed on Twitter, trying to quell worries about the President’s ability to lead the free world.
The truth is, most people are pretty decent, and they are just trying to live their lives in peace.
There was a time when the Democratic Party marketed itself as a home for the anti-war Left, with protesters routinely showing up at Republican events to condemn American involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Should Trump fear the Swiftie swarm?
Why are the voters of the “conservative” party so hellbent on doing the most unconservative thing possible?
This is just the latest example in a disturbing trend that shows the political double standard of the American justice system.