Jul 29, 2022
New Hampshire Libertarians Hold Lockdowners Accountable | Guests: Nolan Pelletier, Robley Hall, Ben Richards | Ep 186
Matt Kibbe sits down with three members of the New Hampshire Libertarian Party to talk about the Free State Project and the pro-liberty trend in New Hampshire politics. As members of the Mises Caucus, which recently took over the Party’s leadership, they are adamantly opposed to lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and other authoritarian responses to the pandemic. They attribute their success not only to the power of their message, but to the strong community bonds that characterize the libertarian movement in New Hampshire.
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Voting grants authority to rule by initiation of force, threats, fraud.
Everyone with self-respect, self-esteem, think for themselves. The unthinking, followers of authority, victimize themselves, enslave themselves, and worship the elite who exploit them. Self-made people get rich by trusting themselves, i.e., their mind, their morality, their conscience. As they do so, they observe most politically powerful people serve themselves first, their loved ones, and then those who they conspire with to live by deception, threats, violence. They are arrogant, incompetent, parasites who could not live by producing value. They need to convince others to trust them, obey them. It’s the oldest scam. And they dedicate their lives to it, get addicted to it, need it more than money. They would die rather than stop it. They would destroy humanity, are doing so, by their inhumanity, their politics. That is the ultimate narcissism.