ESG Scores Are Extremely Dangerous | Guest: Clint Russell | Ep 183
Matt Kibbe sits down with Clint Russell, host of “Liberty Lockdown,” to talk about how the lockdown policies of the last two years have created the infrastructure to implement a nightmarish regime of social control to rival China’s social credit system. Under the guise of promoting environmental protection, social justice, and good governance, those who control the nation’s financial systems will be able to aggressively police individual behavior. Anyone who doesn’t behave “correctly” will find their access to society cut off, including the loss of their bank accounts. And the scariest thing is that it’s not just the government implementing these policies, but nominally private businesses acting on the government’s behalf.
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I was reading an article about “greenwashing” just today. The power of the giant corporations and the gigantic investment firms is truly staggering, bought, as Clint said, with extremely cheap “money”.
The Federal Reserve Board and the insidious nature of fiat money is truly the root of all economic evils.