Voters need much more than less-bad policies. Voters need genuinely-good party processes and government processes.
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Andrew Doyle is pushing back against a claim that a comedian’s race or gender is more important than whether he or she can be funny.
The repeal of Chevron may simply be a trade of one form of government encroachment to another.
To lift our country, it is time for a federal downsize.
Trump’s failed assassination attempt shows just how much of a virus wokeism is, and why it needs to be stopped.
It’s 2048, and America is still facing “the most important election of our lifetime.”
Modern pundits are fond of dismissing America’s Founders as backward slave owners with outdated ideas about government, but they were actually prescient about many of the issues that define today’s political landscape.
Bannon believes he can hijack the narrative ecosphere to push his populist agenda.
The Surgeon General’s call for social media warning labels is premature. Congress should pause and await further research.
“Reminder: You’re electing a team,” former Biden video producer Chris Strider PSAed on Twitter, trying to quell worries about the President’s ability to lead the free world.